Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Something Completely Non Sequitur

Hello again, everyone! I hope you all had a nice Memorial Day weekend.

Well, it would seem that it's time for me to continue with this blog-writing endeavor of mine. My topic today circles around that ever-popular social networking site: Facebook.

I'm a bit of a newbie to Facebook, having just joined in January of this year. For a while I was not very impressed. Sure, it's a nice way to stay in touch with your friends and such, but it seemed rather boring, with not much else to do.

...And then I discovered Flair.

Flair is, without a doubt, a wicked mechanism designed specifically to make me spend hours upon hours staring at my computer screen, browsing seemingly endless pages of these tiny circular accessories, and then continue to spend even more time meticulously arranging them on my board - which is far too small, by the way - therefore never getting anything productive, (like drawing, writing, or actually taking care of my household chores,) finished.

(Below is a screenshot I took showing the current flair on my board. Although I'm sure by tomorrow it will already be inaccurate, as I will have changed things around, swapped old out for new, etc....)

To be honest, I'm not really sure what it is I find so appealing about it. After all, it isn't really anything special, and yet I still spend some of my time glancing over it every day. My best guess would be that I love the freedom it gives you to express things that you like. Everything from funny sayings to quotes to current fandoms - the latter of which being what I mostly showcase - it truly gives you the ability to show off who you are in a colorful and interesting way.

...Or maybe I just enjoy shiny things. Hard to tell.

Alright, one more quick thing and then I will say adieu for now...

Please excuse me as I continue to drool over this film, but I cannot help myself.

(Also, Zachary Quinto.)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May This Blog Live Long and Prosper

Hello, all!

It has taken me some time (read: about two days,) to think of an interesting topic for my first blog post. But today, I think I finally found two things to write about that most people will find satisfactory: Food, and movies. Who doesn't like at least one of those things, right?

Alright, let us begin with food, then, shall we?

One of my family's favorite dinners is baked chicken strips dipped in buttermilk and coated in cornflake crumbs, with a homemade ranch dressing for dipping sauce.
(Are you salivating yet?)
Moving on...Monday night, armed with an excess of cornflakes, we made such a dish. And it, as always, came out fantastic. (I strongly believe that there is not a soul on this earth who cooks better than my mother. I know, I know, everyone says that, but...you haven't tasted her food.) But, to be honest, this little tidbit about chicken is just a segue into saying what I made this morning, using some of the remaining cornflakes...

I'm not sure exactly what these are called. Usually we refer to them as simply "cornflake bars", while our handwritten recipe calls them "peanut butter squares". Personally, I think a more fitting name would be "Most Freaking Delicious Creation in the Entire Universe", but that's a bit long, so for the sake of the length of this blog post - which I'm sure will be long enough as it is - we'll stick with cornflake bars.

I swear, the person who created these was either a mad genius or an angel fallen from heaven. I could eat these every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of them. And it's plausible, too, seeing how easy they are to make. The sad part is, I don't think very many people know about this recipe fallen from above. So, to spread the word, I'm indulging you all with it! Who needs a car from Oprah when you can just get on your computer and get free recipes, eh?

CORNFLAKE BARS: (Or: Most Freaking Delicious Creation in the Entire Universe)


1/2 cup (one stick) butter

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup Karo (light)

1/2 cup peanut butter (Read: Choosy moms choose JiF.)

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 cups Kellogg's Cornflakes


In a medium to large cooking pot on medium heat, bring sugar, Karo, and butter to a rolling boil. Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter and vanilla until smooth. Add cornflakes, stirring gently until coated with the peanut butter mixture. Scoop into a 9"x9" and let cool. Then all you have to do is enjoy!


...Wait, back up. What's that behind the cornflake bars in the above picture?


Kirk, Spock, what are you doing on my cornflakes?!

...When I saw this in the grocery store, I'm sure they could hear my yell of surprise and excitement all the way in Mexico. It was, without a doubt, unexpected.

(Lookit, they're on the side, too!)

...Well, the cornflake box acts as a perfect segue into my second topic: The Cinema! Or, more specifically, one movie in particular: The new Star Trek.

My father had been excited about this movie since the first time he saw a trailer. And to be honest, I was pretty hyped about it as well, especially considering the fact that I've never fully watched an episode of any Star Trek in my life. I have, though, been an avid supporter of the NBC show Heroes since it's first episode - even in its second season, which was, for me, the low point - so I was quite familiar with Zachary Quinto. To see Sylar, the crazy serial killer, playing the serious, logical Spock, was draw enough for me to want to go see this movie. From the trailers, I excpected it to be good, but what I didn't excpect was to love it as much as I did.

This movie, without a doubt, has become an instant favorite of mine. The characters are extremely well-developed and well-played, from Kirk the snarky smart-alec, to Spock the ever-logical one, all the way down to Chekov, with his adorably hardcore Russian accent. (His first introduction in the movie is accented - no pun intended - by his inability to pronounce the letter "V" in a way the Enterprise's computer can comprehend.)
I could go on for hours about things like how Quinto acted Spock, and the way that, behind his emotionless façade and his matter-of-fact words, there was so much masked emotion that he was unable to show because of his Vulcan beliefs. About how I was crying within the first ten minutes, and laughing five minutes after that. About the odd phenomenon seen throuought the movie of these strangely-shaped, futiristic, alien camera-flares, which pop up out of nowhere yet seem to fit perfectly into the feel of the movie...But I don't want to bore you, so I'll merely say this; this wasn't just a movie. It was an experience. And one that will most likely not repeat itself soon. I highly, highly reccomend it.

...And on that note, I will depart, as it would seem this has gotten much too long. If you read all of this, I do hope you've enjoyed it. Until next time...

Peace, live long, and prosper,
